only one - u.know






















++++간단하게 올라온 오늘 기자회견 후기
윤호가 말레이시아어를 배워서 이야기 했나봄
그리고 말레이시아는 덥지만 자신은 태양을 좋아한다고 <-
다정다정 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

KAvenyou(KAvenyou)약 4시간 전Yunho said he misses the Malaysia's fans too and he's sorry for keeping us waiting so long!
Yunho say Malaysia is very hot! But he likes the sun! Haha

Yunho said Aku cinta pada mu! Awwww and he learned it in one try!
If Yunho has free time he would go bowling. But since now it's summer he would like to try out marine sports as well! :)
When it comes to airport fashion, Yunho said he likes sandals and he would like to show us all his sandals someday haha



출처 : 트윗. 윤갤


추가 - 윤호굿즈